Author: Carlos Ponce

Your Big Monster Team?

If you are easily disturbed by pure technical gore, don’t read this. But if you’re not… read on! When it comes to software outsourcing, not everything is milk and honey. It’s only fair to highlight some grim facts, too. Horror stories do happen. Particularly if things like language barriers, communication styles cultural fit are factored Read More…

Low code, no code, Zen code

Good, Great and Zen Developers What makes a great software developer? One that writes good code, one that writes no code, or one who deletes code?Many CTOs, VPs of Engineering and VPs of Product will most likely align with the notion that good software developers are those who understand what makes users tick, even beyond Read More…

To Pic or not to Pic

Shooing recruiters away To reel in great software engineering talent, you recruiting team needs to spend time  looking only for truly compelling resumes. These not only narrate the work and education story of the devs but also allows them to know that candidates have the necessary skills, education and experience to perform a good – Read More…

Do you function?

Sometimes, we just don’t function. As a CTO, you probably know that functions are a good alternative to having repeating blocks of code in a program while also increasing the reusability of code. Values can be passed to a function using variables called parameters or arguments. They can also return values and do many other Read More…

Specs of horror?

Not all specs are stitched together, like Frankenstein’s monster.  The most commonly known best practices in software development determine that a document that describes what the software will do and how it will be expected to perform is created as a first step. It also describes the functionality the product needs to fulfill the needs Read More…

No comment?

To comment, or not to comment. That is the geeky question. Commenting involves placing human readable descriptions inside of computer programs detailing what the code is doing. Some developers are convinced that proper use of commenting can make code maintenance much easier, as well as helping make finding bugs faster… But is that always the Read More…

Podcast: Designing to Improve Human Behavior

The Art & Science of Large-Scale, Positive Behavior Change. Robin Krieglstein is the Founder and CEO of Live Neuron Labs Behavioral Consultancy. He has been pioneering the application of science & media techniques to design large-scale positive behavior change programs for over two decades.  Robin was a guest researcher at the Stanford Behavior Design Lab Read More…

Podcast: Artificial Intelligence: The Bridge to Worldwide Educational Access

There is a direct correlation between income levels and education levels, and advances in AI will ensure that everyone has access to the same education regardless of socioeconomic status. Michael Puscar is the Co-Founder of Oiga. A serial entrepreneur, investor and philanthropist who is deeply in love with technology, Michael is an optimist by nature, Read More…

Podcast: A Culture of Learning

How to create a culture of learning within your organization. Kristy McCann Flynn has 15 years of experience as a Strategic Human Resource Leader, Change Manager and Organizational Development Expert. She has served in senior leadership positions throughout her career – most notably with Pearson Education and Constant Contact.

Podcast: Private Sector Responsibility in the Face of Public Service

B Corp MPOWERD utilizing clean technology to improve lives and environment globally. John Salzinger is MPOWERD‘s Chief Business Development Officer and Founder. John, a native New Yorker, and born entrepreneur, launched MPOWERD with the idea that innovative companies have a responsibility to lead – not only in the marketplace but as a real force for Read More…

Podcast: Hiring and Scaling your Start-up

Why “being human” and candidate experience is the most important part of growing your company. Chris Gannon is the Founder of Captivate Talent, talent consultancy company focused on scaling revenue teams at high-growth technology companies.  Prior to Captivate Talent, Chris was the Global Director of Talent Acquisition at a Reward Gateway, a PE-backed HRTech company Read More…

Podcast: Play, and How The Future of Work Depends On It

Roger Manix is Co-founder and Chief Creative Officer of Ludolo, a Play-based learning company that sparks innovation, strengthens culture and fosters human connection. He taught at The Graduate School of Business at Stanford University for six years. While there, he created a methodology to teach Emotional and Social Intelligence using Play-based learning. Roger was invited by Read More…

Podcast: Finding a digital agency’s offer-market-fit

Learnings from building an agency business development platform on how to run a better digital agency business. Janis Sprenne is one of the founders at Fulfilli. Janis has been in online sales and marketing for 17+ years and 10 of those he started and grew a digital agency to a top5 digital performance agency in Read More…

Podcast: Remote, flexible, and autonomous work

Joel Friedlander is a software developer and co-founder of Red Guava. Red Guava is the software company behind Cliniko (a web-based healthcare practice management system that is used by more than 30,000 people worldwide). Red Guava is a fully remote company, with 35 team members around the world. They work a 30-hour work week (full time pay), have unlimited annual Read More…