Guide to QAOps Working Principles, Best Practices, and Advantages

June 19th, 2023 / By: / Published in: Blog

In traditional software development, the developers and testers are often separate entities that seldom work in tandem. The testing team would only be involved when the code is available in the testing environment. This siloed approach is inefficient and can negatively impact product quality and release. A collaborative technology practice that transforms software development and testing called QAOps is on the rise. Unfamiliar with the term? Read on to learn more. 

This guide defines QAOps, outlines the process, and details the advantages. 

What is QAOps?

QAOps ExplainedQAOps is a practice that integrates quality assurance (QA) into the software development and delivery process. In QAOps, a team works directly with the development and operations teams and plays a key role in the software product development lifecycle. 

While the software development lifecycle relies heavily on QAOps, the foundation is built upon continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD). Thus, understanding QAOps requires familiarity with CI/CD. 

The purpose of CI/CD is to streamline app delivery through automation and continuous monitoring in the development phases so that challenges traditionally encountered when integrating new code become uncommon. 

In QAOps, software engineers collaborate closely with the operations and development teams when building the CI/CD pipelines. Additionally, quality assurance deeds must be incorporated into the CI/CD pipelines. 

QAOps Process

The QAOps process involves setting up a test platform with the right tools and following a 3-step process to ensure code is tested and validated.

1. Trigger

In the trigger stage, accurate test cases are created to evaluate the product’s functionality and technical validity. It is crucial to maximize efficiency to avoid wasting time with unnecessary test cases. The triggering stage must be carefully planned and well-mapped. A few best practices are as follows:

  • Map out testing in the primary stage of development. 
  • Consider all testing formats, including Integration testing.
  • Use testing for both code verification and deployment.

2. Implementation

The implementation stage executes the testing plan outlined in the triggering phase. Here are a few best practices to keep in mind:

  • Parallel tests initiate the process of implementation.
  • All Integration testing must have the right support.
  • Examine the capability of the defined procedures.
  • Accurately follow sequencing for the test execution. 
  • Disperse the burden of implementing tests across multiple departments. 
  • Ensure that all frameworks and infrastructure are accessible. 

3. Reporting 

The final stage in the QAOps process is to report the outcomes of the triggering and implementation phases. A final report must be generated that includes a summary and detailed information. The report also documents the history and results of completed tests. Follow these best practices when creating the report module: 

  • Present both snapshots and comprehensive views of the app tests and performance. 
  • Highlight the root causes of the outcomes revealed during the testing and implementation stages. 
  • Use a platform that allows quick availability of precise test outcomes and performance data so that decisions can be made in real time.  
  • Enable effortless access to the report when required. 
  • Organize the report details for easy reference during future debugging procedures. 
  • Prioritize scalability for large volumes of data. 

Advantages of QAOps

QAOps simplifies the process of software development and improves outcomes. By integrating strategic testing methods with QAOps, companies can unlock many advantages, including: 

Improved Quality

With QAOps, the software team is integrated into the product delivery pipeline, facilitating skill sharing and broadening the professionals’ perspectives. Altogether, the collaborative nature of QAOps improves the quality of the end product. 

Improve Professional Competencies 

When teams collaborate well, everyone learns new skills and can contribute substantially to knowledge sharing. In this design, professionals can gain insight into how facets of the solution work together and improve their competencies along the way. 

Increased Productivity Levels

Integrating software testing activities throughout the product development lifecycle facilitates collaboration, streamlines processes, and optimizes the use of resources. The team engages in ongoing conversations, and they are less likely to get stuck in unexpected bottlenecks. 

Improved Customer Experience 

The CI/CD workflow that QAOps relies upon integrates automation in as many instances as possible. This results in expeditious outcome delivery, which contributes to customer satisfaction levels. Additionally, QAOps involves continuous evaluation, which increases the product’s durability, accuracy, and stability, ultimately enhancing the customer experience. 

QAOps and Encora 

Fast-growing tech companies partner with Encora to outsource product development and drive growth. We are deeply expert in the various disciplines, tools, and technologies that power the emerging economy, and this is one of the primary reasons that clients choose Encora over the many strategic alternatives that they have.

Contact us to learn more about QAOps and our software engineering capabilities.