Accelerate Drugs And Medical Devices Development: The Digital Revolution

October 8th, 2020, 3:00 pm PT / Category: Interviews

How to mix the cloud, “crowdscience” and digital engineering to create better and safer cures.

Luca Emili is an Italian entrepreneur, founder and CEO of InSilicoTrials Technologies, the first global platform that is making easy to use modelling and simulation to accelerate the pace of innovation in the healthcare and life science industry.

The “crowdscience” concept makes it easy for pharma companies, medical device producers, hospitals, and researchers to identify and use the best digital models available. So, it’s possible to cut costs and development time while meeting safety standards and, ultimately, to increase the number of new treatments that reach patients

The idea comes from Luca’s previous experiences as an entrepreneur, investor and manager. From 2001 to 2010 was CEO of Emaze, a Cybersecurity company that became one of the market leaders in Italy by automating security analysis for complex networks and devices (now part of Cybaze Group). Then he became CEO of Promeditec, where he led the development of innovative technology for Clinical Trials, including solutions for remote monitoring that are now booming in the COVID-19 era. He is a member of the Cloud Security Consultative Group in EMA and responsible for the RCA Research Collaboration Agreement between InSilicoTrials and the FDA. He is also a Member of the Board of Avicenna Alliance, and member of the committee for the adoption of the In Silico Medicine of the Italian Ministry for Health.

Before, Luca worked in M&A and his many passions brought him to be a journalist, an entrepreneur in the internet services business, a startup investor, and an IT lecturer at the MIB School of Management of Trieste.  He has a degree in Economy and Business from the University of Trieste, Italy, where he still lives with his wife and two children between his frequent travels across the USA and Europe.


