Overcoming the Global Pandemic of Dysfunctional Organizations and Disengaged Employees

August 12th, 2020, 3:00 pm PT / Category: Interviews

Gain 'unfair' competitive advantage through healthy organizational cultures where common sense is common practice.

Kimberly Wiefling is the founder of Wiefling Consulting, and cofounder of Silicon Valley Alliances. Kimberly strongly believes that companies doing business across borders and boundaries of every kind are a powerful force for peace and prosperity in Our World. She is committed to supporting purpose-driven organizations in attracting high-quality investors and the most talented people through the competitive advantage of proven best practices in leadership and a healthy, vibrant organizational culture.

She is known globally for her highly interactive, engaging, and transformative workshops, both virtual and in-person. Her big dream is that, one day, both investments and employees preferentially flow to these kinds of organizations instead of the soul-sucking variety, and the sick, twisted, dysfunctional organizations of Our World will wither and die for lack of financial resources and the talented people they’ve driven away to more life-affirming workplaces . . . for a better world!

