Building a Company in the 2020s vs 2000s

March 29th, 2022, 12:00 pm PT / Category: Interviews

What's become easier and what's become harder about building a company as a LatinX founder today versus 15 years ago?

Belsasar (Bel) Lepe is co-founder and CEO of Cerby. He was previously the Head of Product at Impira, where he led the company’s product life cycle, helping drive a 4x increase in revenue. Prior to his role at Impira, Bel was co-founder and CTO at Ooyala where he led a global product, design, and engineering team of 300+ Ooyalans spanning five countries and seven offices. Ooyala achieved two successful exits totaling over $440M.

Bel began his career as an engineer at Google working on Enterprise Collaboration products and studied Computer Science at Stanford University. He is an active advisor and investor in start ups, with a specific focus in Latin America.


