Grocery 3.0

June 28th, 2023, 10:00 am PT / Category: Interviews

How is AI ushering in a new era of online grocery adoption and transforming the way retailers interact with customers?

Summary of the video

Henry Michelson and Gabriel Nipote are co-founders of Hala. They discuss “Grocery 3.0” and AI’s impact on online grocery shopping. The guests talk about their background and developing a machine learning engine for personalized food recommendations. They applied their technology to the online grocery sector. Grocery 3.0 improves the online grocery experience for retailers and customers, addressing challenges like out-of-stock products. Their algorithms provide personalized recommendations based on seasonality, shopping behavior, and preferences. Data management and integration are important, respecting privacy while personalizing experiences. Teamwork, trust, and open communication contribute to their success. AI enhances the online grocery shopping experience for retailers and customers.


Henry Michaelson is the Co-Founder and the Chief Technology Officer of Halla.

Throughout his tenure as CTO, Henry has played a pivotal role in Halla’s growth and success. He spearheaded the development of Halla’s MVP, an AI grocery recommendation product, and supervised the creation of two mobile apps previously released by the company. Henry’s leadership and expertise have facilitated the successful implementation of Halla’s solutions across multiple top-ranking grocery retailers and thousands of storefronts. Henry is committed to innovation and transforms groundbreaking ideas into reality.

Henry’s achievements have gained him recognition in the technology realm. He is a member of the Forbes 30 Under 30 list, Class of 2023, and is frequently invited as a guest to magazines and podcasts, where he shares his insights on artificial intelligence (AI) and retail innovation.

With an academic background in Computer Science, Mathematics, and Cognitive Science, Henry has made significant contributions to the field of technology. His diverse experience includes developing a machine learning algorithm for the UC Berkeley Astrophysics Department, enabling the accurate classification of supernovae. Additionally, he holds an ip patent for an algorithm that has distributed over $7 million in rewards to mobile gamers.

Beyond his contributions to Halla, Henry has explored his creative side through various endeavors including a speaking role in the highly acclaimed Warner Bros. blockbuster comedy, Project X.

Gabriel Nipote is the Co-Founder & COO of Halla. He’s primarily responsible for the company’s operations and healthy growth. As such, he touches many pieces of the company, providing leadership in business development, business administration, and finance, in addition to sitting on the board as a director.

Gabriel is also instrumental in Halla’s sales activities, ensuring effective communication of the company’s position in the marketplace and managing relationships with Halla’s retail partners and clients.

In addition to being on the Forbes 30 under 30 list class of 2023, Gabriel has been featured in Winsight Grocery Business, Supermarket Perimeter, and other influential industry media.

A passion for artificial intelligence and entrepreneurship landed Gabriel where he is now. With experience in software development and studies in business economics at UCLA, he blends disciplines to bring a systematic but action-oriented approach to Halla’s protocols, decision-making, and productivity.


