Massive Civic Engagement:

December 17th, 2015, 11:15 pm PT / Category: Interviews

Transforming Communities with the Power of Every Voice. issues that are complex, divisive and multifaceted bring ordinary citizens into the conversation with governments, nonprofits and industry to solve challenging issues.

Luke Hohmann is the Founder and CEO of Conteneo, Inc. Grounded in the science of play, Conteneo’s enterprise software platforms and professional services merge serious games, data analytics, domain expertise and collaboration to help enterprises optimize decision making in the areas of strategy, innovation, sales, product development and market research.

Luke’s is also the co-founder of Every Voice Engaged Foundation, a 501 3(c) nonprofit that that helps citizens, governments and nonprofit organizations collaboratively solve problems that are unsolvable without civic engagement. EVEF has been a leader in the Participatory Budgeting movement, helping citizens prioritize hundreds of millions of dollars through Budget Games.

