Managing the APPocalyse with Andrej Safundzic

February 14th, 2024, 10:00 am PT / Category: Interviews

How can organizations improve their app usage, entitlements, and spending?

Andrej Safundzic is the visionary CEO and Co-founder of Lumos, the game-changing access management platform that has transformed the software spend landscape. Under his leadership, Lumos has pioneered innovative solutions for businesses, automating access requests, enforcing least privilege, and streamlining user access reviews. With Lumos, organizations gain invaluable insights into app usage, entitlements, and spending, all in one powerful platform.

In addition to his notable accomplishments in the tech industry, Andrej is dedicated to using technology for the public good, striving to make the world a more loving, enthusiastic, and just place. He co-founded two social enterprises in East Africa, with Starthub Africa still flourishing and providing employment opportunities to 30 individuals. Andrej’s innovative spirit and commitment to positive change have cemented his status as one of the World’s 50 Most Influential People Revolutionizing Government by Apolitical, and he continues to inspire and drive Lumos to new heights, while also advocating for SaaS solutions that support IT infrastructure and drive efficiency in organizations worldwide.


