Building and retaining diverse tech teams

June 27th, 2018, 3:00 pm PT / Category: Interviews

It's okay to fail. Take those lessons, learn from them, make changes and be transparent.

Nina Baliga is the Founder and CEO of < div >ersity, a platform that connects you with tech companies that value diversity and help you discover companies that prioritize building inclusive spaces so you can work and grow in a safe environment.

Nina believes that problems can be solved for people of all backgrounds and walks of life. She has worked in both non- and for-profit organizations nearly twenty years, bridging between the needs of sustainable businesses and the public good.

With 10 years of work in the tech sector under her belt, Nina has focused on user experience design, digital strategy, and business development. As a recent finalist for Go Code Colorado, Nina wants to see more women and people of color in leadership positions around the country. She hopes to build a foundation for a stronger and more diverse tech community.

