Product Led Growth for B2B Developer Tools Companies

August 31st, 2021, 12:00 pm PT / Category: Interviews

What is Product Led Growth and how can it benefit B2B and mainly B2D companies as the main go to market strategy.

Shimon Tolts is the CEO & Co-Founder at Datree, which prevents Kubernetes misconfiguration from reaching production.

After receiving his first PC at 8 years old, his first act was to disassemble it and connect the different parts. At 15 Shimon started his first company, providing web hosting on top of Linux servers in the pre-cloud era. He established and managed the Software Engineering Infrastructure department for 400 engineers at ironSource. Also as an AWS Community Hero, Shimon runs the largest AWS user-group worldwide and an avid speaker at conferences. Shimon co-leads the Israeli CNCF chapter.


