Using Technology to Find New Clients

July 8th, 2021, 12:00 pm PT / Category: Interviews

Making the unknown known, so you can get your cherished products and services into the hands of those who need and want your offerings.

Bradley D. Brown has an extensive background in technology and is data guy at heart.  He has started a number of success technology companies that range from professional services to software as a service to platform as a service businesses.

Brad is Onemata‘s CTO and man behind their technology platform.  Brad was the CEO, President and Founder of InteliVideo, a video monetization platform that helps marketers of intellectual property monetize their content using its proprietary online platform.

Brad built a residential real estate automated valuation firm, IntelliReal that was acquired by Equifax in 2011.  Brad built an Oracle professional services firm, TUSC that was acquired by Rolta in 2008, and has had roles as Startup CTO of Enhanced Recovery, Independent Nation, Open Access Broadband Networks, and EventConnex. He has served on the boards of YPO Colorado Chapter, Enscicon, Reglara, Geekcruises, and Colorado Uplift. Brad is the author of six books on technology.

