Can’t We All Just Get Along: Aligning Tech with the Entire Organization

April 5th, 2017, 3:29 pm PT / Category: Interviews

Learn how Flawless Execution can be used across the enterprise as an Agile methodology alignment meta-framework.

A recent survey in HBR of more than 400 global CEOs found that executional excellence was the number one challenge facing corporate leaders from a list of 80 issues. The number one reason for poor execution is poor alignment between business strategy and initiative prioritization. Agile Practices and Frameworks are not sufficiently addressing the Alignment Issue in an easily repeatable manner.

Find out how Flawless Execution fills this Executional Excellence Alignment gap:

  • Flawless Execution, is an easy to learn alignment framework that can span across an enterprise’s existing frameworks and processes to meet threats and opportunities as they emerge without adding more process weight.
  • Flawless Execution is the lightest most minimally invasive of all the agile methodologies.
  • Organizational alignment provided through Flawless Execution meets disruption head on and fosters a culture that thrives in complex, unpredictable and rapidly changing environments.

Flawless Execution is adaptive, transparent, collaborative and responsive; its light, fast and nimble focus is the essence of agility.

About Joel

Joel “Thor” Neeb, leads the Afterburner team of more than 70 elite military professionals. His experiences in executive leadership within the military and at Afterburner have helped him accelerate performance for Fortune 100 companies within all industries including tech, pharmaceuticals, finance, retail apparel and several NFL teams. Thor teaches the companies to be agile through the proven methodology of Flawless Execution.

