Near Real Time, Streaming, the Cloud and The IoT

April 27th, 2016, 3:00 pm PT / Category: Interviews

How “Real” is Real-Time and What the Heck is Streaming Analytics, the IoT, the Cloud and All That Crazy Stuff?

Terence Craig possesses extensive background in building, implementing, and selling enterprise applications, both cloud and on premise, across diverse domains. He has worked for or started companies in enterprise resource planning (ERP), professional services automation (PSA), semi-conductor process control and advanced analytics.

Terence also boasts extensive background and experience delivering professional services over a 20-year span,  including both executive and technical management roles with leading-edge private and public technology companies. Terence is indeed a gifted Technologist comfortable discussing technology with geeks and business models with C-Suite executives and investors. To top it off, he has full life-cycle development experience from core technology for both front and back end development, both on premise and in the cloud. You can learn more on what keeps Terence up at night in his blog.

