Category: Podcasts

Podcast: Cutting through the Hype: The Real Opportunity for AI to Transform Customer Support

Puneet Mehta is Founder / CEO of, a VC-backed Artificial Intelligence company. helps companies like WestJet, Target, Nestle and others automate high-quality resolutions to  customer support issues across email, Web / mobile chat and messaging. helps companies adopt AI into their workforce, working in tandem with human agents to provide superior support that meets customers increasingly high standards for quick, personal and accurate support.

Puneet is a former Wall Street algorithmic trading technology executive where he built predictive algorithmic platforms to power large-scale trading systems.  These situation-aware automated trading platforms were amongst the first AI virtual assistants in any industry, providing traders with the most relevant insights, trends and analytics from an enormous amount of unstructured real-time data.

Advertising Age named Puneet to the Creativity 50 list. Business Insider magazine named Puneet to “The Silicon Alley 100: New York’s Coolest Tech People” and “35 Up-And-Coming Entrepreneurs You Need To Meet.” He was also featured in The Wall Street Journal’s startup documentary series.

Podcast: How Administrative Professionals Will Disrupt Travel

Throughout her whole life, Julia Hawkins has been the person in the room that pulls people together to get things done. Even as a child, she was organizing everyone to achieve a goal.

She majored in Public Policy at Duke University, where she chaired the Major Attractions and Joe College Day committees, bringing talented musicians and speakers to campus. All her life, she has felt equally a creative type as a quantitative person.

Julia received a Master’s in Business Administration from Cornell Tech, where she co-founded her startup, Cabinet, with three fellow classmates. Julia lives in New York City where Cabinet is headquartered.


Podcast: Exploring The Fourth Age: Smart Robots, Conscious Computers and the Future of Humanity

Byron Reese is the CEO and publisher of GigaOm and the host of two GigaOm podcasts: VoicesinAI and the GigaOm AI Minute. He is the author of the acclaimed books, “The Fourth Age; Smart Robots, Conscious Computers and the Future of Humanity” and “Infinite Progress: How Technology and the Internet Will End Ignorance, Disease, Hunger, Poverty, and War.”

Podcast: Accidentally Famous: How I Became the Voice of Apple’s Siri

You may not know Susan Bennett, but you definitely know her voice! Susan is a voice actor and singer whose voice has appeared on hundreds of radio and TV commercials for such clients as McDonald’s, Macy’s, Goodyear, Papa John’s, Fisher Price, and more. She is the voice of Delta Airlines gates worldwide, as well as hundreds of GPS and phone systems, but you probably know her best as the original voice of Apple’s famous app, Siri.