Podcast: AI Adoption: Challenges and Opportunities for Tech Companies and Customers

May 4th, 2021 / Published in: Podcasts

Data is the new oil, but what challenges companies and customers face in using AI to refine data into actionable insights? with France Hoang, Co-founder & Chief Strategy Officer @ boodleAI

France Hoang is a veteran entrepreneur who has been on the founding teams of companies that have generated over $600 million of combined sales and employed over 1,200 professionals across the fields of law, aerospace, defense, government services, and artificial intelligence.

France is the co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer of boodleAI, a SaaS technology company that provides on demand people focused predictive analytics. It leverages proven AI/machine learning to rapidly model the untapped data sitting in organizations, along with billions of third party data points, to help organizations achieve significant lifts in conversion, engagement, and retention rates through analytics.