Podcast: Deliver Better Analytics Faster with DataOps

November 3rd, 2021 / Published in: Podcasts

Christopher Bergh is the CEO and Head Chef at DataKitchen, a DataOps software and services startup based out of Cambridge, MA. Chris has more than 30 years of research, software engineering, data analytics, and executive management experience. At various points in his career, he has been a COO, CTO, VP, and Director of Engineering.

Chris is a recognized expert on DataOps. He is the co-author of “The DataOps Manifesto,” “The DataOps Cookbook,” and “Recipes for DataOps Success”. He speaks about DataOps at many industry conferences and with other media outlets. He began his career at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Lincoln Laboratory and NASA Ames Research Center where he created software and algorithms that provided aircraft arrival optimization at several major airports in the United States. Before that, Chris served as a Peace Corps Volunteer Math Teacher in Botswana, Africa. Chris holds an M.S. from Columbia University and a B.S. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.