Podcast: Determine a Valuable Product Without Building One

December 17th, 2020 / Published in: Podcasts

Stop wasting your time and money: quickly determine value and the fastest way to market.

Ryan Jones has launched over 50 applications/services ranging from server infrastructure tech to enabling people to interact with products in images online. Those products have been used by millions, with the most recent product launches producing $50mm+ ARR in the first year they were released. Ryan has led 100+ person product teams, trained 25+ Product Managers, and is an expert in Lean Product Development/User-Centered Design.

Ryan originally started in Finance at Goldman Sachs managing $5B+ worth of multi-asset class portfolios on discretion. He entered the Tech realm through a startup, became an engineer, and then officially became a Product Manager at Pivotal Labs (Pivotal Software – went public, then acquired). Ryan worked with a wide range of customers around the world through Pivotal, helping customers determine value and then how to build that value quickly and efficiently. He then led multiple product teams in the R&D Org including the initial Kubernetes offering by VMware. After, Ryan went on to lead a joint effort between Microsoft and VMware to enable developers on Azure.