Podcast: Transforming Healthcare Data

May 3rd, 2022 / Published in: Podcasts

Joe Gagnon is a creator and explorer. He is that rare mix of entrepreneur and enterprise exec who has been a CXO for the past 20 years. Joe is currently CEO of 1upHealth a cloud-based data interoperability platform that unlocks healthcare data to improve outcomes. He is the founder of THPL,The High Performance Life, an avid blogger, co-host of the Chasing Tomorrow podcast, and a serious endurance athlete. He co-founded Performance Tea where his mission has been to help people achieve their potential and uncover the leading edges of performance with plant-based beverages. Joe was previously CEO of Sparkcentral a company focused on providing digital messaging solutions for customer care.

A firm believer in the parallel challenges of leading a company and pushing physical fitness limitations, Joe is also an accomplished endurance athlete. He has completed six Ironman Triathlons and over 70 marathon distance races. He recently published his book Living the High Performance Life. In 2017 he ran a marathon on Six continents in Six Days.