Welcome to the dojo.live Recap Show Episode 139

October 17th, 2022 / By: / Published in: Blog, Recap

On today’s dojo.live recap show we are highlighting the key points from last week interviews.

We had 4 shows:

  1. Confidential Computing: Making the Cloud Safe for Sensitive Data with Steve Van Lare
  2. Closing the Loop on Single-Use Packaged Beverages with Manuela Zeninsein
  3. The New Battleground: Securing SMBs in the Era of Cyber Attacks with Artur Kane
  4. People Matters: Creating an Awesome Work Environment with Kirsten Moorefield, Anabel Montiel and Melissa Ribeiro

You can check out all the shows anytime right here: www.dojo.live/interviews/

Please follow us: @dojo.live

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