How Privacy by Design Powers Innovation

May 5th, 2022, 10:00 am PT / Category: Interviews

Can you accelerate your time to market and out-innovate competitors by building privacy into your products from day 1?

Anshu Sharma is the Co-founder & CEO of Skyflow. A serial entrepreneur and angel investor, he co-founded Clearedin where he serves as Executive Chairman, and Suki, a digital assistant for doctors. Prior, he served as venture partner at Storm Ventures and was vice president of platform at Salesforce. He has invested in over 25 startups including Nutanix, Algolia, Workato, and RazorPay.

Amruta Moktali is the CPO of Skyflow. Amruta is an innovative, customer-focused product management leader with developer roots. She has held executive product leader roles at a number of software companies, including Cleo, Salesforce, Topsy Labs, and Microsoft, building data-driven products in search, AI, and analytics across multiple industries.


