Apps for Travel: The Challenges

May 24th, 2017, 3:12 pm PT / Category: Interviews

What are the challenges of building new apps when it comes to travel? Let’s talk travel tech and economics!

Steve Reynolds is currently CEO and Founder of Tripbam, a new hotel shopping service for travelers, corporations, and agencies. Tripbam shops across multiple hotels over several days to take advantage of prices changes as they occur.

Steve was a founding member of two technology related companies within travel. The first, CTI, in Houston, Texas provided travel systems and services to fortune 1000 companies. The company was later purchased by American Express. The second company was Travel Technologies Group (TTG) based in Dallas, TX. The company grew to $25M in annual revenues before merging with two other companies to form TRX. TRX employed 1,600 in 14 countries and processed over 80% of the corporate travel transactions in the U.S.

