Generalized Autonomy in Automation for Buildings

April 19th, 2022, 12:00 pm PT / Category: Featured, Interviews

Autonomous buildings enable energy efficiency and provide the foundation for smart cities.

Troy Harvey is the CEO of PassiveLogic. He has a proven track record of 20 years of vision and leadership: building and delivering game-changing products by blending cutting-edge technology with emerging market opportunities. Troy holds unique cross-over expertise in the fields of product development, building science, and control systems engineering.

Prior to forming PassiveLogic, Mr. Harvey founded Heliocentric, a leading building science and controls engineering firm that innovated a new approach to building design using simulation technology. In his capacity as CEO he oversaw the development of next-generation controller technology to address the unmet needs of high-performance building energy systems and led his team on several award-winning building designs.


