The Tech-Powered Pharmacy of the Future

April 21st, 2022, 10:00 am PT / Category: Interviews

Can technology-powered operations inside retail pharmacies drive better user experience and health outcomes for patients?

Cary Breese is the CEO & Co-Founder of NowRx.  Cary is a successful, multiple time startup CEO, with a deep expertise in technology, healthcare and financial services. CEO of database software startup GenieDB, COO of technology incubator focused on developing innovative technologies in Healthcare. CEO and founder of bootstrapped financial services startup, acquired for 18x cash-on-cash.

Cary led $100m product line as EVP, CIGNA. B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Drexel University, Executive Education Certificate from M.I.T. in Management and Leadership, and Associate in the Casualty Actuary Society (ACAS) a professional curriculum with concentration in Economics, Corporate Finance, Applied Statistics and Financial Modeling.

