Healthy People, Healthy Buildings, And A Healthy Environment

August 19th, 2020, 3:00 pm PT / Category: Interviews

Discover how building spaces can advance human health and wellbeing, while simultaneously contributing to a more sustainable world.

Jeff Allen is the founder and CEO of the WELL Learning Library, a health and wellness educational platform. A graduate of Stanford University, his skills and expertise span a variety of areas, including: eLearning and other Learning & Development (L&D) strategies, business analysis, technology, product management, video production, team building, and leadership development.

Through highly engaging education, building occupant surveys, and data analytics, the WELL Learning Library provides building occupants with the knowledge and skills to optimize their health and wellbeing, while also providing building and organizational stakeholders with insights to improve their workplace strategies and building design and operations. The WELL Learning Library fulfills the educational and survey requirements of the WELL Building Standard, which is the leading certification tool for advancing health and wellbeing in buildings globally.

