5G Interpretation

July 7th, 2021, 12:00 pm PT / Category: Interviews

In a world where technology is improving at the speed of light, leading us to the era of 5G, what are the skills interpreters need to improve and focus on, in order to make a difference?

Alessandra Campana is the Founder of Inlingo. She received her degree as an Interpreter and Translator (Italian<>English – Italian<>French) after 5 years of courses in technical and literary translation, consecutive and simultaneous interpretation at the Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e Traduttori of Rome, Italy. Her love for knowledge and her innate curiosity in all types of subjects, from literature to technology, from philosophy to science, lead her to accumulate years of experience in multiple fields.

2019 is the third year that finds in the AAIT (Atlanta Association of Interpreters and Translators) Board of Directors. As a translator, she currently helps Microsoft and Amazon with their website Localization and she proudly volunteers for the ongoing translation of the application ShareTheMeal, an initiative of the United Nations World Food Programme.

As an Interpreter she has years of experience in over the phone interpretation as well as on site consecutive and simultaneous interpretation. In 2017, she founded inLingo, a revolutionary remote interpretation company, owned and managed by interpreters.


