The state of Women in Technology

February 24th, 2016, 6:08 pm PT / Category: Interviews

In this talk, Monica Taher shares her experiences in technology-related business and endeavors, her failures and successes, with the ultimate goal of encouraging women around the world to never, ever give up on the pursuit of their dreams and goals.

Mónica Taher is a serial tech entrepreneur and an Accelerate with Google Academy alumna. She is a Partner at Getty Images Latin America (GILA) and the CEO & Founder of ClipYap, a soon-to-be launched app that allows users to have lively conversations using movie and TV shows’ lines and actions in the form of motioned GIFs seamlessly put together. Mónica holds a Master’s degree in Cinema & Media Studies from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and has recently authored the forthcoming memoir My Life on Hold.

Her passion for both technology and business has helped Monica to unveil more ways to empower and open doors for women in technology. Her own experience in this matter made her realize that it is not as simple as one could imagine, but she is convinced that with encouragement and motivation, this process can be streamlined if women who wish to become entrepreneurs – in technology and otherwise – are willing to take risks and learn. This is the only way where true change starts at home and continued on and outwards towards society at large.

