People Matters: LGBT in Tech

June 24th, 2022, 12:00 pm PT / Category: Interviews

What is it like to be LGBTQ+ in the technology industry? How can companies better create and enforce policies of inclusivity and why does it matter?

LGBT in Tech is the first of many more Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion discussion panels to come. Introducing People Matters – brought to you by!

At, we understand the value of diversity, knowing that every human experience and background offers a unique perspective that is essential to creating effective solutions and processes for teams, companies, and clients.

The purpose of our regular live show has long been to bridge cultural gaps via storytelling and experience sharing; to build a global community of the “movers and shakers” of the tech world.

We know that no one mover and shaker is exactly like the other and that everyone has a story to tell.

We are proud to support June as LGBTQ+ Pride Month with a special panel of individuals who work in tech. Listen to their stories and learn and grow along with us!


