Self Managed Organizations at Scale

November 23rd, 2016, 5:00 am PT / Category: Interviews

Self-managed ways of working are capturing a lot of attention across the business world. Most tech and NGO startups have this mindset from the get go, and those companies who haven’t moved to a more self-organized way conveniently point to this and say “see - it’s only for start-ups...”.

Self-managed ways of working are capturing a lot of attention across the business world. Most tech and NGO startups have this mindset from the get go, and those companies who haven’t moved to a more self-organized way conveniently point to this and say “see – it’s only for start-ups…”. I assert this is an unchallenged and potentially limiting mindset/belief. So how can we move more of the corporate megastructures to humanise, self-organized and unmanage their endeavors?

Perry Timms is a Chartered Member of the CIPD; and Visiting Fellow at Sheffield Hallam Business School.  Skilled as a facilitator, coach and mentor Perry is qualified in change and a range of psychometric tools and has been leading on business improvement and change for over 20 years.  Perry is Vice Chair of the Northamptonshire CIPD Branch, and also lectures on HRM at Birmingham City, Westminster and Dublin City Universities.

Having held corporate roles as Head of Learning, Talent & OD in public and not-for-profit sectors, Perry has set up his own enterprise – PTHR (People & Transformational HR) delivering Perry’s aim – to change the world of work; one conversation at a time.

Perry is a social HR Practitioner as he tweets, blogs and is active on LinkedIn and was voted 7th in People Management magazine’s Top 20 HR power-tweeters for 2012 and one of top the top 10 HR Bloggers in the 2013 update.

