Technology: A Truly Exceptional Aid to Real Business Solutions.

September 12th, 2018, 3:00 pm PT / Category: Interviews

How ultimately technology is used to aid and support customers to solve real problems vs the reverse.

Peter Buckingham is the Engineering & Product Leader, CTO and VPE at Waypoint Building Group. He is an entrepreneurial, strategic, and visionary leader with 15+ years of experience in industry-leading companies and a long-running record of success in building technologies and top-performing teams to develop new, innovative products. Successfully set long-term direction for large organizations.

Peter has developed effective structures and methodologies to optimize delivery of products. Has collaborated with large cross-functional teams of employees, customers, and vendors to achieve key goals, opened brand-new markets and organizational and technology areas and led high-performing teams to achieve exceptional results. He possesses in-depth knowledge of a wide range of hardware, software, and system components, including Enterprise solutions.

