Secure Data Sharing: The Key to Hospitality’s AI Revolution

May 2nd, 2024, 10:00 am PT / Category: Interviews

In this series we are speaking about how a variety of companies in the Travel & Hospitality industry have embraced the use of AI technologies in both their internal operations and in the creation of their products.

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This interview is part of the series “The Hospitality Advantage: Real Stories of AI in Action” This is Segment 2.

In the second episode, hospitality expert David Chestler and Data and Analytics expert Nagaraj Sastry are discussing: 

  • Why the Hospitality Industry is or is not yet positioned to embrace secure data sharing
  • The seeming juxtaposition of wanting to lock down data vs. the crucial need to access relevant, accurate, and diverse data for training AI models
  • How the willingness to and ability for organizations to data share across disparate systems enables the minimization of spend, maximization of revenue, and enhancement of the guest experience

David Chestler

President @ ProVision Partners International [Linkedin Link]

David Chestler is recognized as an icon of the global hospitality and travel industry, having forged a successful career in hotel technology that spans over three decades. He currently serves as President of ProVision Partners International, Inc, a hotel and travel consultancy and marketing firm that he co-founded in 2019. Since beginning his career in hospitality in 1989 with Utell International, Chestler has held leadership roles with some of the industry’s most prominent organizations, where he consistently delivered global scale and growth by developing high performance teams focused on complex technology solutions.

Nagaraj Sastry

SVP – Data and Analytics @ encora [Linkedin Link]

Nagaraj Sastry is a thought leader in the Data and Analytics space and is passionate about providing solutions to enterprises by thinking out of the box using his diverse industry experience gained over a number of years in helping design and implement complex business value driven solutions for customers.

He heads the Data and Analytics practice for Encora globally and has been a speaker at major events like Informatica World, Denodo Data Fest, Snowflake Summit, and among others at W.E.F.


