
Insightful talks with Travel & Hospitality experts on industry challenges, opportunities, and innovative solutions.

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A Fresh Approach to Retrospectives
May 17th, 2017

A Fresh Approach to Retrospectives

The life blood of a team and the most important ceremony a Scrum Master has to facilitate.
Ronald Breese Certified Scrum Master/Agile Coach @ Jornaya
Global Scrum Gathering
May 10th, 2017

Global Scrum Gathering

Retrospectives of the Scrum Gathering.
Elaine Bulloch & Stephanie Bryant Agile Coach and Trainer / Scrum Master
Technology and Destination Experiences
May 3rd, 2017

Technology and Destination Experiences

Many people think of VR as an experience to take people to destinations. TimeLooper thinks of VR as an experience to take people back in time at destinations.
Yigit Yigiter CEO and Co-Founder @ TimeLooper
Artificial Intelligence
April 20th, 2017

Artificial Intelligence

AI: Fact, Fiction, the Future and Science Fiction.
Stuart Greif Practice Lead, Travel & Hospitality @ Amperity
Building Integrated Systems Toda
April 19th, 2017

Building Integrated Systems Toda

Building systems that can easily be integrated is crucial in today’s interconnected and increasingly mobile world.
Nate Frechette CTO & Co-Founder @ Dropsource
Can’t We All Just Get Along: Aligning Tech with the Entire Organization
April 5th, 2017

Can’t We All Just Get Along: Aligning Tech with the Entire Organization

Learn how Flawless Execution can be used across the enterprise as an Agile methodology alignment meta-framework.
Joel “Thor” Neeb President @ Afterburner
March 29th, 2017

Lessons Learned from Elixir in Production

Bleacher Report adopted Elixir about 2.5 years ago when both Elixir and Phoenix were very new. You'll learn why this technology was chosen and how it's been a success.
Ben Marx Lead Engineer @ Bleacher Report
The Talent Stash: It's Not As Hidden As You Think It Is
March 24th, 2017

The Talent Stash: It’s Not As Hidden As You Think It Is

What happens when your company can no longer grow because it can't fill key positions? What is the potential impact on the mountain travel and tourism industry? And, why might you have the secret sauce to come out on top.
Deanne Buck Executive Director @ Camber Outdoors
Utilizing Tech in Business Development
March 23rd, 2017

Utilizing Tech in Business Development

Utilizing technology for business development in travel and tourism and in collaboration with consumer marketing insights.
Stuart Hart Director of Business Development @ Banff & Lake Louise Tourism
Opportunities to Grow Snow Sports Sales and the Participant Base Today
March 23rd, 2017

Opportunities to Grow Snow Sports Sales and the Participant Base Today

Market research, intelligence acquisition and use, survey research, intelligence systems design, quantitative analysis, methodology, and most importantly, communication.
Kellyann Davis Director of Research @ Snowsports Industries America
The Real "R" in CRM: How to Protect Your Professional Edge

March 15th, 2017

The Real “R” in CRM: How to Protect Your Professional Edge

There are CRM apps for all devices, some specific to certain industries, some that are built-to-order and others customized by the user to suit their needs.
Mike Muhney CEO & Co-Founder of VIPorbit Software, makers of Vipor Plus
March 8th, 2017


10 new principles for software development.
Vasco Duarte Managing Partner at Oikosofy
Go Live... or Go Home
March 1st, 2017

Go Live… or Go Home

Bringing Passion and Knowledge to Digital Audiences... Live on Video!
Brent Hieggelke & Nathan Appy Marketing Executives at
The Cyber Warfare Games
February 22nd, 2017

The Cyber Warfare Games

Cyber Warfare and Contextualizing Neural Transmission in the Brain to Macro Functions.
Jon Curran and Lee Rossey Data Scientist / CTO @ SimSpace
The Joys of Distributed Teams
February 15th, 2017

The Joys of Distributed Teams

Being able to share the locations of your team mates is so much fun and excitement, and provides a great story, rather than everyone being in the same office day in and day out.
Eric Wroolie Owner and Founder at Overpass