Category: SillyCon Valley

Good Health, Great Code

Dust off that ping pong table! 2022 is right around the corner. Clichés aside, there are some widely known and validated Universal truths about how staying healthy physically, emotionally and mentally has an impact on your dev team’s coding skills. As a CTO, you could perhaps encourage your team to just make getting healthier a Read More…

Beating the Holiday Blues

No, you’re not a party pooper. You are just drained. Don’t be fooled. Software developers have an extremely demanding job, often without praise, only finger-pointed at when bugs are found. And even the more collaborative development environments are still very work/problem-centric. While problem solving brings great enjoyment, personal internal “problems”, which are not analytical by Read More…

Garbage In, Garbage Out

Keeping the flies at bay This is what GIGO stands for, and it can make a dent on almost every aspect of Life, but it applies particularly well in coding. In software engineering, GIGO is just an acronym that is usually used to stress the importance of sanitizing and validating input, whether it be from Read More…

Your Big Monster Team?

If you are easily disturbed by pure technical gore, don’t read this. But if you’re not… read on! When it comes to software outsourcing, not everything is milk and honey. It’s only fair to highlight some grim facts, too. Horror stories do happen. Particularly if things like language barriers, communication styles cultural fit are factored Read More…

Low code, no code, Zen code

Good, Great and Zen Developers What makes a great software developer? One that writes good code, one that writes no code, or one who deletes code?Many CTOs, VPs of Engineering and VPs of Product will most likely align with the notion that good software developers are those who understand what makes users tick, even beyond Read More…

To Pic or not to Pic

Shooing recruiters away To reel in great software engineering talent, you recruiting team needs to spend time  looking only for truly compelling resumes. These not only narrate the work and education story of the devs but also allows them to know that candidates have the necessary skills, education and experience to perform a good – Read More…

Do you function?

Sometimes, we just don’t function. As a CTO, you probably know that functions are a good alternative to having repeating blocks of code in a program while also increasing the reusability of code. Values can be passed to a function using variables called parameters or arguments. They can also return values and do many other Read More…

Specs of horror?

Not all specs are stitched together, like Frankenstein’s monster.  The most commonly known best practices in software development determine that a document that describes what the software will do and how it will be expected to perform is created as a first step. It also describes the functionality the product needs to fulfill the needs Read More…

No comment?

To comment, or not to comment. That is the geeky question. Commenting involves placing human readable descriptions inside of computer programs detailing what the code is doing. Some developers are convinced that proper use of commenting can make code maintenance much easier, as well as helping make finding bugs faster… But is that always the Read More…